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Everybody Rise

by The Makers

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Everybody Rise 03:39
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Kill Rock Stars is proud to present the newest album from The Makers, Everybody Rise! Everybody rise, indeed. It's time to rise above this desensitized era, these doldrums we live in; full of image without substance, of manufactured rebellion, and test-marketed trends. This is music played with passion, from the heart. The Makers are asking you to meet them on the dance floor and rise above the preconceived notions of what you think this band is about. Isn't it time, can't you feel it? How long has it been since you've heard a truly classic rock record? Something that is new and exciting and at once both dangerous and hopeful? This record is it. It is soul music, it is garage, it is rock n' roll. From the first moment of buzzing feedback to the last whispered promise The Makers have crafted an amazing record.

Everybody Rise! features a new line up for the band with the return of Tim Maker along with the addition of new drummer, dynamo Aaron to the long-standing power trio of Jamie, Michael, and Donny. The band has never sounded tighter nor more fierce. Hailing from blue collar Spokane Washington, The Makers began as snarling teenagers touring in a hearse in the shadow of grunge. They have continued to keep that initial fire alive while consistently growing as songwriters and musicians. Over the years they have always remained true to their own vision, never mind what the prevailing winds were. Everybody Rise! is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication to their art.

Believe it, The Makers have delivered a masterpiece.

"The Makers didn't just get in on the ground level of the garage rock revival. To an arguably large degree, they were the ground level, taking the raw, rebel-rock sound of Detroit circa '73, a fiery, Stones-Doors mash-up championed by The Stooges, and driving it full-speed into the future."

- San Francisco Independent 11/04


released August 23, 2005


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